or 4 payments of $750.01 with
Product Details
來自我們第二層系列的精美印花長衫!專注於我們的核心價值觀,這件作品既時尚又可持續。我們之前收藏的暢銷書略微瘦身,但體積仍然很大! 漩渦印花的靈感來自於在畫布上的現有繪畫上分層繪畫的藝術概念。
這件衣服採用中性風格,帶有討人喜歡的 V 領、肘袖和腿部兩側的開叉。
長衫只有一種尺碼。您可以通過多種方式設計它,因為這件衣服非常百搭且時尚。您可以將它與腰帶一起佩戴,打造搶眼造型,也可以單獨佩戴,打造更直的廓形。搭配我們的 3D 打印首飾來打造別緻風格,以增加影響力。
在倫敦設計,在倫敦採用 LENZING™ ECOVERO™ 粘膠和 FSC CertifiAre 的混合物以可持續和符合道德的方式製造,面料在意大利印製
Shipping & Return Policy
If your LOVE HERO piece arrives and it just doesn't work for you and you want to return it, here is our policy:
Notify us within 14 days of receiving an item at returns@cerqular if you would like a return or an exchange
We would love to offer you an exchange where possible, but in case we cannot, we can offer you a store credit which can be used within 6 months or a full refund
All refunds will be processed once the garment is returned to us and checked. This will take approximately 5-10 working days
All returns must be sent with signed or tracked delivery within the 14-day notification period. If an item gets lost, we will not be able to refund you
All products must have their tags on them in original condition, not worn or stained or washed
All return and exchange postage is covered by the customer.
In the case of an exchange, please notify us of the product and size you would like to exchange. We will confirm we have it in stock and it will be put aside for you once we have confirmation of the return package tracking number
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