Small Business


No. of Products Up to 15 products Unlimited products
Monthly Fee No monthly fee No monthly fee
No. of Staff Accounts 1 staff account Unlimited staff accounts
Referral Fee* 15%

 * Referral fee is the percentage of the sale price excluding any shipping and taxes

Membership Fees

We make our pricing structure easy so you can focus on what you do best... running your business.

We have two seller friendly plans based on the number products you have for sale on cerqular.


There are no monthly fees - the only fee is a referral fee which only applies when you make a sale. So no sale, no fee - no fuss! The referral fee is based on the number of products you list for sale on cerqular. Seller with less than 15 products go onto the small business plan whereas sellers with 16 or more products do onto the enterprise plan.

When do I get paid?

You get paid almost instantaneously upon the sale of a product. Funds from the sale of a product are automatically deposited into your Stripe Connect account.

Are product variants considered a separate product?

Variants of a product aren't considered a separate product. For example, if a product has 5 variants (i.e. it's available in 5 colors) this is still considered only 1 product.

Do I need to do any bookkeeping?

No - you do not need to do any bookkeeping at all - the referral fee is deducted automatically so there's no need to do any bookkeeping.

Are there any setup fees?

There are no set up fees. 

Are there any discounts or annual plans?

Our fees are based on the number of products you list for sale on cerqular. We have a no sale, no fee policy - which means there are no monthly fees or plans. You only pay the referral fee once a sale is made otherwise there's no cost to you.

What if I change my mind?

Feel free to change your mind at any time. There are no cancellation or exit fees. You can disable your account at any time. We make it easy so there's no risk at all. 

Do you have a Shopify or WooCommerce connector?

Yes, absolutely! We have connectors with Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Squarespace. Our connectors gets you up and running in no time and helps you manage your store. It’s 100% free to use and setup.

Is there a contract or lock in period?

There are no lock in contracts or plans - you can join & cancel any time that suits you.

Do you offer any integrations? Are they charged separately?

Yes, we have several seamless integrations with Shopify, WooCommerce,Magento, Squarespace, Sendle, Route+, DHL Express, Rise, and Stripe Connect (Express).

We do not charge anything extra for the use of these integrations. They’re available to help you build a profitable business. As with all marketplace platforms, sellers are responsible for Stripe Connect (Express) fees, see here.